
Showing posts from November, 2018

And now our resident Nazi cow, COWIE ANN KELLWAY !!!

By Cowie Ann Kellway  Moo Heil!  Everybody. Open auditions are starting for our Great! Glorious! Virile! Most Hansom! Smartest of all time. HE HAS A GOOD BRAIN AND KNOWS HOW TO USE IT. Trump The First's first annual    "TRUMPMASS Holiday Minstrel Extravaganza."     Black-face review, December 25, 2019.  The theme is   SOUTHERN PROSPERITY 1859.   We need one hundred happy slaves. Twenty must play banjo. Sixty sing and dance jigs. Twentyfive must cook, sing, and dance. All must be able to shuffle convincingly.  Starring roles for our slaves to play are Step-and-fetch-it, Uncle Tom, Uncle Remus, Old Ezra, Topsy, and Missy. In celebration of the happy times we like to call it Gemutlich. All races accepted, except the Irish. You will be provided with authentic typhus, lice, and flea infested costumes. For that real southern flavor. Makeup will be provided by  Joseph Mengele's cosmetics. Plenty of burnt cork. Cholera and bubonic plague injections for authenticit

Chief Justice John Roberts calls it like it is. For now.

B Y M. Rosco Edwards Until president Trump becomes Emperor Trump. The Supreme Court is an equal branch of government. For Trump to threaten to file a complaint on the ninth court in California is stupid but very telling. Chief Justice John Roberts is correct in saying there are no Obama judges, no Trump judges, no Bush judges, and no Clinton judges. He is correct in stating the judiciary is non political. Their job is to interpret what is and what is not law. The rule of law. Not the rule of Trump. At least seven of the Supreme Court Judges appear to be independent thinkers. But two are suspect of being nothing but Subordinate shills to Emperor Trump. These are very dangerous legal times. By definition the judges are objective critical thinkers using deductive logic mechanics. To obey or even acquiesce Trumps ravings diminishes the Supreme Court beyond imagination. Judges are independent protectors of the rule of law. They are not Emperor Trumps political puppets on his strings

From the desk of the POTUS. PLAN TO KEEP TRUMPLAND (formerly usa) GREAT.

How to defeat the strongest country in the world. 1.   Create false issues to distract the gullible public...……..............................................………….…....done. 2.   Discredit the media...……..........……...…………….......... .......................................................……..…......done. 3.   Discredit the judiciary...…….............................................…....…......................................................done. 4.   Discredit the legislature.......................................................…………………...............................…......done. 5.   Create racial divides...………………………............................................................................done and done. 6.   Keep on lying...……………………………......................................................................................that's a given. 7.   Suck up to world despots...........................with great pleasure...................................................done. 8.   D

Who Put the RAPE back in Rapeblican.

By Libby of Orion 5 It makes me sick to my stomachs. The republican furor over the horrors experienced by males of your species accused of rape. Oh the poor F***ing rapists! Boo F***ing Hoo! The new guidelines the Republicans are proposing could become law. Further diminishing the rights of the females of your species. You wonder why no one visits the earth any more. You people are five dimensional double F***ing crazy. You kill each other in the name of the supreme being. You create some of the most inspiring writings in the cosmos. Your major religions and philosophies are a hit in the cosmos.  (If you read them literally they outlaw war.) Yet you war on each other as petty nation states. You have turned tell the world of the word into kill the world. You rape your planet for short term profit. You deny equality within your own species.   Why in the Horse Head Nebula do your males fear your females? You are equal in the eyes of God. But you don't acknowledge that equality

Has the republican party lost faith in democracy?

By Richard Poor Restricting voter access under the false flag of saving money is a crime. Poles should be accessible to all the people. Fighting voter fraud is a duck blind.  If one can eliminate the opposition's voter access, one does not need to stuff ballot boxes.  Screening out votes from the other side proves one does not believe in democracy. The republican party has forgotten it used to be the party of empowerment. Now it is the party of exclusion.  By excluding votes The Republicans are saying;   "We the minority must rule the majority. We know we don't have the support of the masses so we must cheat our way to power."   They are building the foundation for a permanent oligarchy.  An oligarchy of the rich supported by the stupid. Just make the gullible hate and or fear something and they will blindly follow. Hate and fear justify the end. But in reality hate and fear destroy democracy. Hate and fear fan the fires of intolerance. Let all the people vo

Let us give thanks for Trump's giving.

By Senator I. M. Suckingup Let us give thanks to the greatest leader in the history of everything. Thanks to viral-good-looking-smart (he has a good brain)-Supreme Leader-President-Pontiff-Studleyness. The POTUS. More popular than Jesus. Donuld Trump.   Doesn't his magnificence just make your day?  Only he alone can stop the onslaught of ramped democracy. Our defender of the USA cast system. He is the only one that can save America's greatest minority, the rich. While expanding the expendable surplus population as an organ donor pool.  Only Trump The Omnipotent can perpetuate his leadership. Who needs the Supreme Court or the Congress, or elections. Almighty lord Trump is the Alpha, the Omega, the Juice. Thank You Great Trump for Trump's giving.

On the eleventh month, on the eleventh day, on the eleventh hour.

Armistice By Anon Time to commemorate those who have suffered the horrors of war. Time to give thanks to those who gave us peace. Time to give thanks where peace exists. Time to resolve to end all war. Time to finish the promise of peace. END 

Post Reality Times.

The King's Speech. By Rudy Goebbels Our Great Dear Leader is in France so the people of Europe can thank him personally, for the end of The Great War. What would the world do without our monarch Great Dear Leader, Trump the first. I can hear him now. He speaks to the hearts of all loyal party members. The following is from the Trump (alternative) reality speech. Trump; " Happy Veteran's Armistice Day. What a Great War. What a turn out. Isn't this a great crowd. Bigger than the original crowds at Ypres and Somme, combined. I hope every one is enjoying themselves. You should, I'm here. Thank you for that applaud. I deserved it. You are so lucky to have me here today.  No one knows more about war than me. I won the congressional medal of honor three times, (twice posthumously.) Didn't I do a great job for world peace and tranquility. When I get back to Washington. I'm putting myself in for a much deserved forth Congressional Medal of Honor. My chattel,

Russia Probe to end soon so White house can concentrate on the Invasion.

By Cowie Ann Kellway (Our resident Nazi cow.) Moo Heil! Everybody. Moo Heil! The fake news fake Russia investigation, started by crooked Hillary and her minions at the child slavery pizza parlor, is coming to it's logical, truthefull, factised end. So our DEAR LEADER can concentrate on the millions and millions of invading rapist, murderer, drug smuggling, welfare taking, democrat voting, rock throwers. And make America safe again. Our DEAR LEADER is going to stop the hordes of illegals who sneak into our donut shops at night. Cut open donuts so they can be straightened out and ribbed to make churros. Yummy double ribbed (for my pleasure) churros.  The illegals are sneaking into our guacamole orchards and stealing guacamoles so they can make illegal imorral salsa.  They are switching out coffee cake for empanadas. They are forcing people to eat fresh fruit, not canned fruit. They threaten to replace Denver omelets with huevose rancheros.  Soon the war with Mexico will sto


By Tom S. Hunter The tin plated swaggering baboon infecting the White House, our favorite little dictator the Trump'olini, has fired Sessions. But it didn't fire Sessions. Trump'olini ordered Sessions to resign. Reminds me of the horrible little man whom looked like Charlie Chaplin and walked like a duck  (Schickelgruber) when he ordered general Irwin Rommel to resign, via suicide. I'm sure the Trump'olini wishes it could have ordered Sessions to do the same. It sees the end is coming. The midterms are to the Trump'olini what Stalingrad was to Schickelgruber.  Time for a constitutional Convention. Soon the Republiklans will loose control of the house. Threatening the Trump'olini monarchy. El DoucheBag is loosing power. It is time to stop the wheels of justice. The Trump'olini regime is being threatened by the rule of law.  The Fugly President wants to set president by being President, for ever. Keep the throne or go to jail. One can't a


By Hoffman Abernathy You just can't Gerrymander democracy away. No matter how much the Republi'KLAN party tries. Other people than the KKK still have the right to vote. America has taken back the House of Representatives. While the Republi'klan party has won more white supremist xenophobes in the Senate.  As for Ku Klux Florida, the south has won the civil war. Again! Using Trump'olini's (apologies to Italy and the Mussolini family) fear of the invading hoards of women, children, men, and bigfoot-yeti ISIS terrorists, who threaten to come up and vote democrat, while burning bibles, teaching evolution, forcing sex education on teenagers while performing abortions. Remember the boy who cried wolf? What about the racist who cried invasion? Using immigration to promote apartheid, Trump'olini has claimed victory after victory in his never ending war to make America safe from democracy. NO DEMOCRACY, NO DEMOCRATS!  Trump'olini wants to make America great a

Constitution? He don't need no stinking Constitution. He's the PREZZ.

From the orifice of the PREZZ. (No matter what orifice it is, it's bad news.) OK. Losers and fake news, listen up. I am the PREZZ. I can do anything I want. Who's going to stop me? Not my bitch republicans. And certainly not you. Your elitist reign of democracy is over.  The people don't want freedom and liberty. Those are the purest liberal ideas second to the right to bear arms (the second amendment.) As long as the elitist Bill of Rights exist. There will be liberal things, like social security. Very, very liberal. Very bad. So, give back your social security. You're going to die anyway. Do you want to be known as a dirty elitist liberal?  No! You want us watching you in your bedrooms to make sure you do nothing liberal. You want us listening in on your phone conversations. So you do not conspire to burn bibles, give abortions while teaching sex education to 5 year olds, and  letting President Obama and crooked Hillary take away your guns!!!  If I say Rat-b