
Showing posts from April, 2019

A thoughtful reminder.

By Constance Dogood  President George H. W. Bush is remembered for his "A thousand points of light."  A metaphor for the best attributes of humanity. Mr. Trump will be remembered for the total opposite.   I n a speech Mr. Trump referred to President Bush's phrase, a thousand points of light. He said;                                 "A thousand points of light. What's with that? I don't get it."    Mr. Trump was speaking the truth from (what's left) of his heart. He truly does not understand the concepts of goodness, kindness, and responsibility.  He is morally bankrupt and intellectually delinquent. For him morals are what limits others. He has the most undisciplined mind since Caligula. He is petty, selfish, covetous, vindictive, a coward in the light of truth.  Mr. Trump will be remembered for A thousand pits of darkness. The embodiment of everything bad about humanity. Evil and stupid is far more dangerous than evil and

We never listen when Hitler speaks.

By Tom S Hunter It is so crazy, a conspiracy nut's dream. How could it ever happen? Why would Hitler violate the agreement with Neville Chamberlain? How could the world not know about the murder of millions of Jews, gypsies, gays, and anyone not worshipping Hitler?   How could Oswald get around presidential security? At the time, no one ever thought about a shooter from a window.  How could murderers hijack 4 planes? No one believed it would ever happen. Even after the hijackings to Cuba so many years ago. How could a president and vice president lie to start a never ending war in the middle east. All the security services knew beyond a doubt, Sadam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction. No one ever thought our leadership would force the security agencies to forge documents to the contrary. All these events had warning signs.  Hitler's clumsy, poorly written, Mein Kampf. Oswald's crazy communist misadventures. The Phoenix warnings, the flight instructor

And now for something out of this world. (again)

Inter office memo from General Zlaggronk                                        Commanding Earth Invasion Force Sploodervott  (Miss Glorbzlik, Please forward to all departments.)                                             Invasion  of Earth progress report. Invasion plans for the planet earth are 30% ahead of schedule. Thanks to the efforts of our biological weapons division, headed by Dr. Trumpenstein. What started out as a biological nightmare has turned out to be a big plus. The attempt to create the perfect misanthrope is successful. Aside from the hideous appearance and the extremely limited intelligence. This creature is fully capable of destroying the human race. The Trumpenstein monster has been elected President of the United States. Although some humans are aware of the beast. Only the White House Cabinet is on to us. The blind loyalty of the human republicans is such that they will follow the Trumpenstein monster into thermonuclear war.

Just a reminder.

By Vlad Dracul Hokay Nogoodniks. Is me again with new evil plan. The new Putin/Trumpsky plan to further secure permanent presidency for comrade Trumpsky.   1.  To further drive people out and up to USA. Our gangs in Honduras and Guatemala have been given more money for raping, robbing, burning and raping. The extra rape is for comrade Trumpsky, he likes rape. Thank You N.R.A. and R.N.C. Would be much harder without your foreign money.(We secretly gave to you.) 2. We are providing more money to bribe Mexican border officials to allow caravan to pass through Mexico. 3. Have stuffed USA Subordinate court, in Washington, with pro permanent presidency judges.   4. Trumpsky declares war on Honduras and Guatemala. " You losers invaded us. Now we are going to invade yous guys!" is what Trumpsky will say. 5. Additional reason for false war. per Trumpsky; " The migrants can not prove they are not making weapons of mass destruction. They can not pr

And now, the new Thief of Badgag. Nothing new, but funny.

By  M. Berlinger  III  I've been accused of stealing bad jokes. To those accusers I say, "I could kill you a million times." Speaking of bad jokes, what's the president up to?...….. I'd say about five foot nine...……..rimshot!.. The lifts on Trumps shoes. I haven't seen lifts that high since the elevator on the Empire State building.....bada-pa-shing!……. If ugly were money? Trump would really be rich....bada-pa-shing!...…  Trump is the only guy who can make an Armani suit look like a Missouri state prison uniform...… bada-pa-shing!...….  When Trump was born the doctor slapped his mother...kashing!... Trump was such an ugly baby. How ugly is trump? So ugly , it took six different nurses before they could figure out which end to feed....bada-pa-shing!... Trump is so dumb...…. .How dumb is he?. dumb he thinks corduroy is a color.....kashing!.... He thinks emancipation is something he gets when he eats too much cheese....Ka chow shing!...…  He thi

EARTH DAY April 22, 2019

By Chevy Caesar We are on the verge of becoming a toxic virus to the living biosphere Earth. Life will adapt. Evolution is God's tool box. If we do not cut back on our pollution assault on the planet. The planet will evolve to eliminate the threat. The human race. The argument for saving our earth is verbally too vague. Using the alternative facts anarchist are able to capitalize on the vagueness of the term climate change.  The term c limate change can be dismissed as just a natural cycle. We must take control of the language in order to debate more accurately.     We must specify  UNNATURAL CLIMATE CHANGE. 

. On the birthday of trumps favorite leader in history, just a reminder folks.

From the desk of the first goose-stepper. Leader of the Trumpzie ( NAZI ) party. The Potus' plan to keep TRUMPLAND (formerly USA) GREAT. How to defeat the strongest country in the world. 1.   Create false issues to distract the gullible public...……..............................................………….…....done. 2.   Discredit the media...……..........……...…………….................................................................……..…......done. 3.   Discredit the judiciary...…….............................................…....…......................................................done. 4.   Discredit the legislature.......................................................…………………...............................…......done. 5.   Create racial divides...………………………............................................................................done and done. 6.   Keep on lying...……………………………..................................................................................


By Teddy Frankenstein Pitch forks, torches, burning castles, and angry mobs. This never ends well. Ever since the time of my great great great great grandfather. Every few years some demented soul tries to reanimate the dead. Always the result is villagers are terrorized and property destroyed. In fact, presently we are being terrorized by a homemade Frankenstein's monster lurking in Washington D.C. The lightening-rod kites flying over the White House should have been a dead give away. Like a battery the monster has to be recharged regularly. Its only impulse is to destroy.  Crush! Kill! Destroy! ( And grab a little P***Y on the side.) Trump is the latest monstrous abomination.  Not original but a cheap, short, obese knock off of a monster. With tiny appendages. My friends and I are split evenly. Half think trump is s titched together from putrid human parts. A ghoulish  artificial creation of horror. The other half think trump is a zombie pig. They keep referring to the
White House Cancels Easter egg roll By Tom S. Hunter It is reported Trumpelstiltskin is canceling the Easter egg roll. People are confused.                " It celebrates a looser. I like winners. The guy got nailed to a  board.                  What a looser. I like winners like King Herod. I want to do every thing                   King Herod does. My legacy will be just like his."    a llegedly reported to be said by Trump. Plans are already in process. First, Easter will be renamed Trump-time. The Trumpublickan party is replacing the Easter celebration with a 3 week festival celebrating King Donald J Trump.  Instead of egg roll, they have troll-fecal-felching. Fearless leader of course is the troll and the Trumpublickans the loyal fecal-felchers. In a dress rehearsal. When asked. What does fecal-felching taste like? All the Trumpublickan said:  "Tastes like Putin." Fore the children there is puppy strangling and s

Here's another CRAP-O-GRAM from Potus christ

From your god, Donald (Potus christ) Trump.  To all my Bitch-republicans. HEIL MYSELF! I am greator than all of creation. No kid of mine ever got nailed to a board and never will be. It is obvouise you have all done so greatly  only because of me , your republican god Donald J Trump. The irreguardlessness of you worshipping any other god but me is not forgivable. I am nothing about forgiveness. But I am fealing charitabell. I have created an act of contritun to bring you, my Bitch-republicans, back into full worship of me. I have ordaned that the Muller report be burned. The ashes be collected so my high priest Attorney General Bar can use the ashes to draw three sixes on only the most worthy of my Bitch-republican's foreheads. Klansmen may cut to the front of the line.  I expect to see all my Bitch-republicans, today at the secret Hitler memorial in the White House basement. TODAY! YOUR god-KING DONALD J TRUMP HEIL MYSELF  !!!

E-cigarrette the Fentanyl of Tobacco Revised 4/10/19 post will stay up till 04/16/19

I apologize. I have no excuse. I did not vet my information source.  That is My fault. I removed the false information.   I was not set up.  I SET MYSELF UP. By Mariam Rumi Greed is the plague that will destroy society. It has gone unchecked for too long. Our wonderful country the USA, is the most public of nations on a path of self destruction. Ambition should not be confused with greed. It is good when motivated by a common good. Ambition without regard for it's affects on others, is greed. The E-cigarette is the product of pure naked greed. The E-cigarette is a plague.  It has become much cheaper to market than tobacco cigarettes.  How? When tobacco is sent for processing, the first major procedure is to remove the nicotine.   Next , the whole leaf denicotinized-tobacco is processed into leaf shreds, about sixty percent of the tobacco product in a cigarette. Then the remaining tobacco fibers are processed into tobacco-fiber paper. Just like paper in a stenographe

The Beauty of the Constitution of the United States of America

By Richard Poor In this time of anarchy caused by the tyrant in the White House. We must look to our constitution. In spite of the senate's abdication of power to the executive. There is still a chance rule of law can be restored. If we believe in our constitutional rule of law more than the senate believes in their monarch. W e can restore the checks and balances of our three separate but equal branches of government.   I remember a king that used to rule the colonies. His wants and desires out weighed the needs of we the people. His neglect of the needs of the colonies forced the revolutionary war for our independence. Much blood and treasure was sacrificed. It is time for another revolution. However, thanks to our constitution we can use the constitutional rule of law to restore a three branch government. We must vote the king Trump loyalists out of office. There are too many Benedict Arnolds in the Senate. The Republican party has become the servant of their monarch. King

The Galactic Enquiror from yellow rag press.

Now from the factually uncorroboratable files. Featuring our resident Professional Conspiracy Theorist, UFO-ologist, and Certified California Psychic.  Perry Noia    PCTUCCP doctorate and BMF.  Aliens in the White House. By Perry Noia Yes, there are aliens from another planet, in the White House. Those 25 security clearance denials that were reversed and approved by presidential order. Every one says they are people, but just like Mr. Trump they are evil humanoid aliens. Sent here by an evil misanthropic race of space-baboons. The Trump creature is a genetically engineered toad-pig-troll  hybrid, in the shape of a human. It's mission is to wreak havoc among the humans. Cause world wide economic collaps. Get the tribes to war on each other.  The Trump toad-pig-troll wants to divide us so his misanthropic evil space-baboon masters can conquer the world. That is the alternative truth, or my name isn't Perry Noia.

Our disclaimer reminding everyone this is an openion and editorial publication.

Here at PG60, we never claim to have any facts.   Please do not confuse us with any legitimate news agency. We only intend to entertain and by accident, inform. Lampoon, satire and rancor are our goals. If you learn something.   MAKE SURE IT IS REAL.

From an undisclosed location in canada

Facebook a Greek Tragedy By Constance Dogood Facebook is the greatest platform for tyranny ever. It is out of control. If Hitler had had facebook. He never would have lost World War two. If Lindberg had had Facebook. America would have cut off the shipping of millions of tons of aid to Brittan. Giving Hitler his only chance to win World War Two. If Fritz Kuhn, founder of the German American Bund (the first American nazi party) had had Facebook. America would have joined Nazi Germany and help them conquer the world. The hypnotic power of super media has created a hive mind for hate and paranoia. There are always more good people than bad people. However, bad people are so much more vocal and militant. Stupid insecure angry people are always looking for their next Fuhrer. Facebook has done for Mr. Trump what radio did for Hitler. This is not a joke.