
Showing posts from January, 2019

President 'Trumph The Tainted' hits a new milestone in funky. (The bad kind.)

By Notlehs Treblig of Oslo Smell that funk? That is the stench of president Don J. Trumph. He stinks so bad you can smell him up wind. He's like the arch villain from one of those underground comics from the 1960's. The infamous " Butt Howler. " Hideous evil monster created when a proctology experiment went horribly, horribly wrong. To hear it speak, it sounds like a cross between Hippo farting and yodeling. Scientifically speaking, frodeling.  During the day it is the most dim-witted President in history. But it has a good brain. (If you consider shit a good substitute for brains.) But when Washington sewers back up in the White House. The Butt Howler heads it's hideous rear. Or rears it's hideous head. It is hard to tell which end is which. The Butt Howler, scourge of all things clean. Nemesis of altruism. Defender of the misanthropic. The deal breaker. The Barney Madof of financers. Drought and famine put meat on it's bones.  Now the Butt Ho

Our GLORIUOSE LEADER the POTUS, continues the fight to make the world safe from democracy.

By Senator I. M. Suckingup The threat of democracy continues to abuse our Gloriuose Leader, POTUS Donny John the First. The democratic threat to his monarchy is growing. Speaker Pelosi's craven adherence to constitutional law is a slap in the face to the POTUS. We the ALT-REIGH (WINK! WINK!) can not tolerate the abuses of democracy much longer. If you will just suspend your archaic belief in reality. You will understand and you will obey.  All for one. The one is our Potus christ, Donny John the First.  He is the only person in history to defeat the United States of America in a fair fight. You can quote his original phrase. "I cannot tell a lie." His truthe is our truthe. Donny John the First is our only living god. You democratists can not win. We have more guns than you.                                                      HEIL POTUS!       HEIL! POTUS!!                                                                        ( swastika goes here.)

Potus christ inspires a song.

By H. Art Thomas Sung to the theme song from Goldfinger.   Runtfinger Runtfinger!     Wah!  Wah!    Wah! Runtfinger!       Wah!  Wah!    Wah! He's the pig. The Pig. The pig with the tiny hands. And he's no man. Runtfinger!       Wah!  Wah!    Wah! The pig. The pig with the slimy touch. He dines you Dutch…. Such a short finger. Points the way for you to worship him. Don't worship him. Hate he will spew into your ear. He knows  nothing of love just of fear.  Runtfinger. Wah!  Wah!  Wah!  Fear is all he knows. Fear is all he knows.

Jerrymandering Rules.

By Bellicose G. Avarice  Jerrymandering is great. It is the best way for the conservative (white supremist) thirty two percent of the people to keep control of the government. Thanks to our Anarchist-in-Chief it is our way or we will destroy the government. Anarchism is not a bad thing when it floods down from the oval office. We conservatives are the best anarchists in history. Democracy does not work. Jerrymandering is proof of that. If we conservatives really believed representative democracy works. We would never Jerrymander the political map. It is not cheating if it benefits the conservatives.  You people who believe in the noble spirit of man kind, like Doctor King. Believe man is basically good and can achieve salvation. You most likely also believe in God. You are such dreamers. We, the conservatives believe in power, naked, merciless power. We use God as a tool to maintain  our control over you. What ever you liberals do is an abomination. What ever we conservatives

President Taint has caused economic bedlam in Hell.

By  Beelzebub T. Devil  The complete lack of morality and Vudu economics of President Donny John Taint has caused a major recession in hell. Hell is a service orientated economy. The monoculture of providing guardian demons is crashing. Unemployment is at a two thousand year high. I'm laying off demons by the thousands. The Taint administration doesn't need any help on the road to Hell. I call it the Taint snowball affect. My budget is hemorrhaging unemployment insurance payments.  What the Hell am I supposed to do with all these unemployed demons? The IRS isn't hiring. Gang membership is at a five thousand year high. Only the best of the worst demons get hired by Fox news. Give me a break. President Taint doesn't need any help bringing forth hell on earth. Like Dick Cheney, without the intelligence or the personality. He is the master of malfeasance. A monolith of misanthropy. When it comes to bad guys, Dick Cheney is Myer Lansky while Donny john Taint is a

The continuing nightmare adventures of IRON ANUS!!

By Trebor Bmurc   In our last episode, IRON ANUS, (secret identity, ill mannered pr esident Donny John Taint) had crippled the US government. He squealed with delight in the misery of over 800,000 people put out of work. This is what his secret identity was able to vomit upon the masses. But how could he create more misery? This looks like a job for IRON ANUS!!!. Quickly, President Taint stuffs his head up his ass, jumps and c hants the secret misanthropic  activation phrase, "F for fiendish. U for unethical. C for creepy, creepy, creepy. K for Klansman.    FUUUUUUUUUUK !!!!" Like a lumpy fart from the sphincter of a syphilitic ogre.  THLAR FLUMP, drip, drip, drip. You republicans hungry, yet?   IRON ANUS! SCOURGE OF THE POOR.  DEFENDER OF THE RICH! NEMESIS TO ALL THINGS LIBERAL, like DEMOCRACY. I AM IRON ANUS, FEAR ME! He bellows. With  breath like week old chum left out in the August sun. A creature so repulsive. It has no shadow. Iron Anus

Leave the greatest person in histury alone.

By  Republican Senator I. M. Suckingup  You stinking liberals keep muddling the situation with the facts. You are not looking at the alternative facts. You refuse to acknowledge the alt reality of today. Give the hardest wurking  POTUS for all time alone. This 5 time winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor (twice posthumously) has done more for man kund than Jesus. You should be worshiping him in the hugest temple in the universe.  He has neve lied, cheated, or stole. When you arrange, in chronological order, the words he spoke, sure it reads like a lie. When you hear about him taking credit for other people's work. Sure on paper it looks like cheating. When you read about people he allegedly failed to pay, on a deal he made. Sure it looks like theft and fraud. You are not understanding what he meant. Sure it sounds like he promossed twenty-plus times "Mexico will pay for the wall!" It only sounds that way. President Great One is not working for the Russians.

Hay! Hay! Hay! Nogoodnicks. Vlad with the Plan.

By Vlad Dracul Are you ready for a Castro-Cuba style revolution? Da! Da! F***ing Da! You all. Not the Stasi, not the KGB, but private business folk just like the potus. Are ready and waiting to loan the potus 5000 privateers to help stabilize the crisis in Amerika.  They will inspire the bitch-nick republicans and every body else to have a constitutional convention. Just like Sadam Hussein straighten out Iraq. We can fix all the problems caused by liberals. Once that annoying bill of rights (the greatest threat to conservatism ever) is redacted. The simple conservatives can take over and permanently end the threat of democracy from the face of the earth. Why! You never wanted the liberals, like Abraham Lincoln, to rule. You don't want freedom, you demand security. You want the morality police in your bedrooms. Why? You want to be enslaved. Slavery is the most egalitarian form of oppression ever. No elitists among slaves. Right? You want a wall. And we can help you fulfill

More stuff about the first fat-boy our GLUTTON-IN-CHIEF

By  Tom S. Hunter Here's to the guy with as much style and good looks as a bloated mole rat. Donny John the prezz. First in tariffs, first in recklessness, first at the dinner trough. What is that thing between his teeth? OH! That's his tongue.  I thought it was a talking tumor.   While hundreds of thousands of good citizens suffer. Our Glutton-in-chief dines in a warm house subsidized by the same people he is torturing. Donny John has never missed a meal. How many meals are being missed by government employees and the communities they do business with like grocery stores, restaurants, hardware stores, etc. He is our modern day Fulgencio Batista. Threatened by the will of the oppressed people he enjoys hurting. Donny john Batista wants a wall. He needs a padded cell. He is clearly conspiring to become EL PRESEDENTE FOR LIFE. He can only win if we the people fail in our loyalty to the Constitution of the United states of America. How much longer will the world

From Rumor Control Central. Immitation can be frightening.

By Hoffman Abernathy Whom does the Prezz idealize the most? Aside from himself. It is rumored he had one testicle removed and had a certain organ that rimes with Venus, enlarged to four centimeters.  It is allegedly rumored. Hidden in the White House attic is a train board that includes a scale model of Auschwitz, with working ovens. The prezz spends hours unloading little figurines from the trains. The liberals are herded to the left, to the showers. (We've seen this dance before.) The bitch republicans are frightened and escorted to the right, to the Mengele health center. After castration, they are returned to the Senate. It is  allegedly rumored in college he starred in a play, he wrote. The lighter side of Treblinka. When asked about the Nazis in World War Two. He said there are good people and bad people on both sides. How much crazier does the potus have to act before the other two (allegedly) equal branches of government do any thing? Do his pajamas really look lik

From an undisclosed location in Canada.

By Constance Dogood. It is beginning to look like the President is mad. To hurt 800,000 people now for a wall that could not begin construction for at least ninety days is crazy. Open the government now. Fight for the wall later. This is not the sand box. A tantrum will accomplish nothing but misery for innocent hard working people. The president is the servant of all the people (including the majority), not the monarch of his own private kingdom. What the president should want is to serve all the people. He has valued winning this fight for his own personal glory over being a real President of the USA. It is with incredible embarrassment that I am forced to speak so badly about our nation's top civil servant. I refuse to use the rancor of some of the staff. I wish the president would be more responsible. I wish he were in touch with the people. Should he be allowed to continue to be a monarch, shame on the republican party. I am so disappointed. THE KING IS A

Beware the False Patriots.

By Richard Poor Most of our patriots are born here in the USA. Some come from other countries and become USA citizens. Being born a citizen of the USA, one does not have to swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all threats domestic and foreign. The civilian population is expected to respect the rule of our laws. Government and military services must swear allegiance to our Constitution. Foreigners who become USA citizens must swear allegiance to our Constitution.  Most USA citizens are patriots. Most naturalized citizens are patriots. They all pay taxes, obey our laws, respect our civil rights. Being a true patriot used to come naturally to us all. We have been marginalized by false patriots. Like Dick Cheney, whom said on the senate floor; "Maybe Americans have to many freedoms."  Freedom is the most liberal right embraced and mandated by our Constitution. The first ten amendments  (our Bill of Rights ) are the fou

The Hideous Styles of president Frump.

By Rue  "TALL" Lynn For most people style and fashion are like icing on a cake, covering the deliciousness inside. They amplify the beauty within.  For president Frump, style and fashion are like cod liver oil.  Same side effects. There is nothing that can help the ugliness inside president Frump.  Compared to president Frump, Quasimodo is Cary Grant.  Frump has all the style of Joseph Stalin. I always thought a little makeup and a good outfit could fancy up anyone. Style for president Frump is like putting shag carpet in a broken down port a potty. For the first time I have seen true ugly to the bone. President Frump looks like some creep from central casting for the Walking Dead. He reminds me of a shabby, cheap, very short, Frankenstein's monster knockoff.  Frump looks more like an "IT" than a human. When it comes to slovenly, dumpy, ugly to the bone.  President Frump is "IT."  

More Tales of the Misanthrope POTUS

By Tom S. Hunter The first palatal cyst (aka trump) has threatened to close down the border. The little dictator has his BITCH-republican party completely intimidated. They just can't wait to please their new god Potus Christ. They believe he will keep them on when he becomes permanent Emperor of the Americas. His favorite bitch Mitchy M will be the first to be sent to the camps along with the senate, House, and Supreme court. Donnie john thrives on misery. Has anyone noticed the sadder the news gets the bigger fat boy Donnie John smiles. When not strangling puppies, I'll bet he watches videos of children crying. Probably gives him that big toothpick woody. The malicious moron is going to overthrow the US government and the spineless bitch-republican party is right behind him. Which is the perfect place to keep kissing Potus Christ's ass. He has no intention of ever leaving the White House.  HAPPY NEW YEAR ?