
Showing posts from September, 2018

Has Kavanaugh already lied on camera?

By M Roscoe Edwards When Kavanaugh talked about the conspiracy against him and the millions of dollars spent against him. What was his honest source? Where is the proof? What documents show the conspiracy and the millions of dollars spent against him?  Or was Kavanaugh lying when he said those things on camera.  In my opinion, it appears Kavanaugh might have lied under oath. Kavanaugh is motivated to continue lying to get the best job he will ever have. He can not come clean or his career is over. If the FBI uncovers evidence of a cover up, what will happen?  The republicans will still vote Kavanaugh on to the Supreme Court. They will vote him in even at the cost of their jobs. Because they are not afraid of Trump. They are afraid of Trump's financial "Big Brother," the National Rifle Association.  The NRA, not Trump, has the money to dump into who so ever they wish to get reelected or elected. That is the real power over the House and senate. Who finances the NRA

A Nausiating support for Grabinall...Kavanaugh

By Hoffman Abernathy Man the pigs are in the palace. This is a war against women. First we got Tritler (trump) in the oval office. What an amoral moron. Proud of grabbing a woman by her pussy, so she'll go anywhere with it. Tritler is a symptom of the disease Megalomania-sadistic-misanthropes' syndrome.  Any recommendation from Tritler (trump) is like a recommendation from Josef Mengele for a good surgeon. Now Tritler has recommended Grabinall (kavanaugh) for the Supreme Court. Any endorsement from a pig like Tritler is automatic cause for suspicion. The vetting process and justice scream for an FBI investigation. Why are Tritler and Grabinall afraid of an FBI investigation. The FBI does not draw conclusions,  they are constitutionally bound to true objectivity. If they believed Grabinall really is innocent, the Trumpublicans (republicans) would already have an independent FBI investigation. The conservative right (Fascists) are afraid of the whole truth. Hell, they'r

Introducing the New RAPEPUBLICN Party

By Joseph ( Tail Gunner Joe) Muckworthy Ladies, don't worry your pretty little heads over the Kavanaugh confirmation. Remember RAPEpublicans cannot break the law. Republican, Rapepublican if we did it? Then it never happened. Only Democrats break the law. Just ask Roy (Humpy) Moore. Remember if a republican gropes a person it is fake news. Just ask President (for life) D. J. Trump. You are just not looking at the alternative reality. We all live in post reality times. If a rapepublican is accused of immoral conduct by three or more victims. The alternate reality is a Democratic smear. The problem is there are too many women voting when they should be quiet. We need to deny equal rights to every one not us.  In this post reality world RAPEBUCLICANS are the only ones who count. Remember a woman, like many others counts as three fifths a white man. So we will free you from the slavery of personal franchise and emancipation. Those are democratic misconceptions,  in the brave new

Just a Heads Up on the Apocalypse.

By Beelzebub T. Devil   Hi Ho campers, just in case you haven't been paying attention. The Rapture occurred and you missed it. So if you are reading this, WELCOME TO HELL! Enjoy your stay. I know it looks just like America and you are asking;" Where is the lake of fire? What about the boiling oil waterfalls?" Budgetary constraints. That is why I am terribly behind schedule. It's kind of like opening an amusement park six months ahead of scheduled construction. Half the rides don't work. Not enough money. Sorry but we had to open to avoid daily late charges. Pluss I can't file any form of bankruptcy.  Unlike "YOU KNOW WHO." (The creator of everything.) I don't have an unlimited budget. He can just say the word and ZAP, plesiosaur! Down here it's different. I'm bound by private, corporate, and personal contracts that would choke a dozen lawyers. (Hold that thought.) I've signed treaties and accords that would send an army of

We Appologize


Just a Heads Up on the Apocalypsc.

        By  Beelzebub T. Devil Hi Ho campers, in case you haven't been paying attention. The Rapture occurred and you missed it. I know, where is the lake of fire? What about the boiling oil water falls, and my favorite the Department of  Irritation and Aggravation. You see, it's just like opening an amusement part 6 months before the construction is finished. Sorry we are running late. D own here its different. I'm bound by civil, private, corporate contracts that would choke a dozen lawyers. Hold that thought. I've signed international binding accords that would intimidate an army of diplomats. Real EPA laws and the Paris Accords are  rigidly enforced. To prove how hellish this place is, there is no credit, no deposit spending, and reals laws the rich can't manipulate. Thanks to the EPA I have to cut carbon emissions by five percent per year. Down here, lignite coal is king.                                                                                  

reprint of What good cops do.

By M. Roscoe Edwards SO WHAT, deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein talked about wearing a wire, talked about the 25th amendment. A good investigator considers all options . A great investigator, like Rod Rosenstein, uses only constitutionally valid procedures. T he deputy attorney general never authorized those two options. Consider everything. That is good application of forensics. Rod Rosenstein swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all threats domestic and foreign. Any one who defers to authority over his sacred oath to uphold the law. Should be fired. Rod Rosenstein should keep his job. He hasn't broken any laws. His only crime is imaginary, in the mind of the Executive. I would want everyone on my team to seek and tell the truth. Real leadership would  never be afraid of the truth. What is Trump afraid of?

More stuff about the Odd Prezz ' Big T '

  By  Yahootie  ( I'll bet you can't see me.) It is allegedly reported, Euro betting parlors are giving 1 to 7 odds on Trump Pardoning Bill Cosby.  Now 1 to 9 odds and climbing, Trump will fire the top four people from the Attorney General and the next three after him.   1 to 13 odds Trump will make his son-in-law Attorney general.  Betting parlors are giving 1 to 20 odds Trump will shut down the Russia probe and Attorney general Jarred, will whole heartedly endorse the shut down.  Steady for the last 2 months, Euro odds of 1 to 100 republicans will acquiesce to everything Trump does.   Undoubtedly, this is the oddest Presidency ever. It's UGE ! In a really creepy way.       


        By   Algernon Fezziwig For me to make more money I require a healthy, well educated, happy person. For the USA to grow and stay strong it requires a healthy, well educated, happy citizen. Throw in John Adams economics, a little John Locke, and common sense ethics. That is the foundation for preemptive capitalism. The following items are better than socialism. The following are the guidelines for  PREEMPTIVE CAPITALISM. 1. A one percent tax on gross business and or gross entity transactions from $50,000 to $1,000,000 annually. 2. A two percent tax on gross business and or gross entity transactions from $1,000,001 to $5,000,000 annually.  3. A three percent tax on gross business and or gross entity transactions from $5,000,001 to $50,000,000 annually.  4. A four percent tax on gross business and or gross entity transactions from $50,000,001 to $500,000,000 annually.  5. A five percent tax on gross business and or gross entity transactions $500,000,001 and up, annu

THIS IS WHAT GOOD COPS DO. reprint just in case you missed it.

By M. Roscoe Edwards SO WHAT, deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein talked about wearing a wire, talked about the 25th amendment. A good investigator considers all options . A great investigator, like Rod Rosenstein, uses only constitutionally valid procedures. T he deputy attorney general never authorized those two options. Consider everything. That is good application of forensics. Rod Rosenstein swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all threats domestic and foreign. Any one who defers to authority over his sacred oath to uphold the law. Should be fired. Rod Rosenstein should keep his job. He hasn't broken any laws. His only crime is imaginary, in the mind of the Executive. I would want everyone on my team to seek and tell the truth. Real leadership would  never be afraid of the truth. What is Trump afraid of?

Remember When Politics Were Fun

by  quondam Senator Glory Days "My Honorable Opponent is a low down dirty skunk. If we pass this budget. We are on the road to ruination. I can not approve this budget as is." Remember when verbal repartee was fun. When compromise was not a dirty word. On the floor we were divas. In committee a civil debate, although sometimes a bit verbose, we got things done. I got half what I wanted, my honorable opponents got half what they wanted. Remember when winning was less important than being right. Honor, civility, cooperation "within reason" guided us. We can lean to the left or lean to the right as long as we serve all the people, Representative Democracy works. Now the country is split 20% left, 60% middle of the road, and 20% right. One fourth of the right has gone fascist and they now control the country. That is because not enough people eligible to vote (the 60%) went out and voted. So the few have beaten the many. Our job is not to beat each other. Our j

Once apon a crime.

                         By Hofmann Abernathy     You can't have it both ways unless you cheat. The property of Tritler "Trump" the republican party has been changed to Trumpublican. The Tritler administration is making a paradigm in hypocrisy. The formerly known as the Republican party stalled President' Obama's supreme court nominee for about eight months. Why is there such a rush? Their God-king Tritler has ordained it. Tritler just doesn't have enough puppets, yet. Ideally he wants the three branches of government to be controlled by him.  In reward for their un flagging worship of Tritler. Gerrymandering will be decriminalized and made into law. Term limits will also be eliminated. Tritler's chattel "the House and Senate" will do everything their master tells them to do.  If Tritler can do all of this? He will be the world's greatest DICKtator  in history. He will be UDGE!! As a card carrying member of the little dictators club he


                   Women's Rights are About to be Raped, Again!                                                     by a person who loves America Trump is scared. The FBI could prove Dr. Ford's statements are false. If Trump really thought Kavanaugh is innocent, he would insist on an investigation. However, Trump and the republicans don't believe Kavanaugh is innocent. Trump and the republicans are ramming through the vote. Hypocrisy rules the day. T he Republicans delayed a supreme court confirmation for months and that was okay. At the time there wasn't even a moral issue involved. Here we have a most important issue, RAPE. There is no such thing as a little rape. When a person violates another persons body physically or psychologically. IT IS RAPE! Denying an FBI investigation is an insult to everyone, especially women. But republicans appear afraid of which truth will be revealed. The wrong truth doesn't fit their plan to continue marginalizi

Donny John the KING OF DRAG-taxes

           Oh, how I miss the restrained civil discourse of Sam Kinison.                        By Tom s. Hunter      Looks like that slobbering orange haired baboon desecrating the White House is getting bored. You'd think carving his name on the oval office desk, would occupy him for at least 4 years. He must have found someone who can read and write. Some kind of aryan looking Nazi-cow. I know she's got to be good with a shiv. Who could it be? Aside from defacing White House property, the Prezz loves pissing all around the building.      The White House staff has laid in a large supply of pet carpet cleaning and deodorizing solution. Cleaning urine off of  the bases of the banisters and fireplaces has become a nightly ritual. Staff members have put scotch tape on the lower right hand corner of the backs of all the White House paintings. So when the prezz puts his initials on the back of a painting with an indelible pen, the initials can be quickly removed.     The Prez

Meanwhile back In Trumptown DC (Formerly Washington DC.)

          By  Hoffman Abernathy                    It is  allegedly reported the president escaped from his white suited wranglers by chewing through their butterfly nets. He dug another hole under the White House fence and escaped, again!     The president tore off all his clothes and ran, on all fours, to the Lincoln Memorial. He was followed closely by about 50 republicans carrying soda straws. Honking like a gaggle of geese, they were shouting; "YUMYUM! YUMYUM!        YUMYUM! YUMYUM!"         Upon reaching the Lincoln Memorial, the president climbed the statue of President Lincoln and started throwing feces at the republicans who quickly gobbled it down and begged for more. still shouting;  "YUMYUM! YUMYUM!       YUM YUM!   YUMYUM!" Catching a particularly large knobbly turd one republican was heard saying; " Trump is great. Trump is good. Let us thank Trump for our food!"      It took multiple tazerings to subdue the slobbering president. As

More stuff about the PREZZ !

            By Tom S. Hunter                                                                      Welcome to the Trumplight Zone.... do  de   do do      do   de   do do   Geriatric Caligula version.              FECAL FELCHER OF THE YEAR AWARDS.       We're in the preliminaries for the play offs of the new White House annual fecal felcher of the year awards. The Olympics of sucking up. To qualify, a person must be able to qualify in 3 categories. Sucking a 4 pound ham up a straw, suck starting a Harley (Apologies to the Greatest motorcycle in the world), and keeping your job working for Trump.                                " The Horrors. The Horrors."      This week Brock Long, of FEMA, has   pulled a head (?) of the other contenders with his jerking off the trump line on deaths in Puerto Rico. His callous dismissal of the tragic loss of life in Puerto Rico breaks 2 laws of reality. Backing up the Trump 7 as 'direct' loss of life over the documented ne

Think about it.

                 TEXAS   synonymous with   HYPOCRISY                             By Franklin D R Jones      In regard to the  Botham Jean murder. Does anyone see the hypocrisy unfolding? Texas claims to be a law and order state. In Texas the law is the law. Good law, bad law, Texas enforces the law.      Throwing race, gender, and income level aside. Let's look at Texas law, literally. Trespassing is entering a building or place without permission. Trespassing is a crime. In Texas  person A is committing a crime. Person A accidently kills person B. The Law would dictate person A should be charged with murder. Because a person was killed during the commission of a crime.       The law is the law. Letting a person's stature in the community color the law is HYPOCRISY! People, we can't let Texas be like a banana republic. Separate but equal was outlawed. Wasn't it?

Think about it.

   Law enforcement must be held to a higher standard.    By M. Thurgood      The person that killed Botham Jean must be tried for murder. Botham Jean's mother has experienced the worst of all tragedies. To let this go as a tragic accident is not acceptable.       Being confused or tired cannot be a mitigating circumstance. The common sense of jurisprudence demands it. When a person is given the ultimate power of lethal enforcement, there are no excuses.      The public trust invested in law enforcement requires ultimate responsibility. There are no accidents. To mitigate such a tragic crime of bad judgement impugns the honor of all law enforcement. It diminishes civilized society beyond measure. The people put their ultimate trust in law enforcement. Law enforcement must reciprocate with ultimate responsibility.      For example, the captain of a war ship has ultimate command of the ship. The police officer is the captain of the gun. The captain is always responsible. Regard

The Mysterious Phone call.

         By  M. Roscoe Edwards.  A couple of weeks ago. Our Editor in Chief, Constance Dogood sent a letter the the pentagon. In the letter she posed the question. What if Trump threatens to launch our Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles, if he is not made president for life? Could he blackmail the Legislature and the Judiciary with atomic annihilation, if they do not do everything he says?      Are there constitutional protocols that could stop the president in real time? Not next session. Without verification of a immanent threat, could he be stopped, before he launches our ICBMs? Starting WWIII?       A week ago. InfraGard agents of the Trumpstapo asked Constance to come down to Trumpspolizel head quarters. For a Little talk. Nothing was heard from her until this morning.        A mysterious phone call came in on a burn cell phone around 1 am. She said she was taking a little vacation for some weeks. Later this morning her apartment was found ransacked. Nothing of value was s

This is what happens when you do really bad acid.


Look out here comes GAIA

                                                 By Spats Mostel Terkel     President Obama is correct when he says the current president is not the disease, it is a symptom. Using a Humanist interpretation of the GAIA THEORY, one could consider the earth as a living whole. A conscious whole being. What if the current president is an antibody sent by Gaia to kill the virus, man. Not to disparage believers in a supreme being.  Paraphrasing Augustine of Christianity,               " Even if there is no GOD. What's wrong with doing the good thing?"   Life is the good thing. A healthy life is the good thing. Protecting life is the good thing.       Could it be theorized? Gaia the living earth, has determined man is a toxic virus? Is the current president Gaia's vaccine? Is the current president destined to cause the extinction of mankind? All life is good. Only man creates bad. Everything supporting the biosphere Earth is good, naturally.       Has mankind forfeit

First annual loayalty awards to be given at gala.

                            FIRST ANNUAL MARTIN BORMANN LOYALTY AWARDS.                                                                      By  'BIG 'T' THE PREZZ !!'                                                                                             IN ALL MY GLORY.         I know everyone will be honored to be in my presence for the first annual Martin Bormann loyalty awards.   It will be HUGE!   It will be bigger than the Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, and Nobel prizes, combined!                           "World record crowds are expected. It will be great! A crowd larger than China!!"                                                                          said BIG  " T "      Now that I  have created the most perfect union. Power, absolute loyalty and fear. A shout out to fear." You're the best." I definitely could have done it without you, but you made it more fun. Enough about me.      I invented appreciation. A


                        How I crushed meet the pross with chuck odd.                                                  By  Cowie An Kelleay MOO HEIL!      Everybody.     MOO HEIL!      I felt sorry for that failing journalist ((failing like the new york times and democracy.))  chuck odd. So on the compassionate advise of PRESIDENT TRUMP ( AKA ALMIGHTY GOD! AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!) I  gave an interview with the stumbling mumbling loosing looserist Chuck's irregardlessness devil masters at  MBC broad casting company.       """ For full acuracy and truthe. PRESIDENT TRUMP gracouisly personally, proof read and corrected this articel. """"      Truth isn't truth! Unless it comed from the Big T. House. ( AKA THE WHITE HOUSE>) sO here are the alternative fucts. Crooked Hillary hacked into the op ed depart ment at the frailing New York Times and planted that anoymouse articel. I have alternative proof of this. I'd like to see Crooke

You Read It HereFirst.

                                                                   Gnomes                                                                                      By Beatrix Anderson      Yes. Gnomes do exist. In retrospect, the first major public appreciation of Gnomes is thought to be in the publication of the story of the Shoemaker and the Elves. Elves had recently become accepted in civil society. Anti Gnome racism was still acceptable. To get work many Gnomes had to pass as Elves. As long as there are hateful stupid people there will be racism.       In the preindustrial world every thing was hand made. Elves and Gnomes were pioneers of miniaturization. For example. The Pyramids chiseled from a bean. Elves. The coliseum carved from a chestnut. Gnomes. Many Elves and Gnomes got work weaving carpets in Belgium.      The advent of the Jacquard loom was the beginning of industrialized automation. The world of had made was shrinking. Elves diversified going into publishing and adverti