
Showing posts from March, 2019


By Donny John Trump      aka POTUS* antichrist *(Piece Of Truly Useless Shit.) Greetings my loyal subjects. "The insurance industry." I have decided I will protect preexisting conditions. That is, I will protect insurance companies with preexisting conditions of vulgar world record setting profits. From the disgraceful onslaught of greedy sick people who demand their moral rights to coverage. If they had only be rich, they wouldn't be sick. Don't let them push you around. You have a legal right to screw poor people.  Hey you've heard me say it a million times. Wrong or horribly wronger. It's legal. If you want morality don't look to me. Are there no work houses? Are there no prisons? The poor must get about reducing their surplus population. We will never run out of poor people so exploit, swindle, and deceive. It's legal. Don't forget I have created just for you. A government of the business, by the business, and for the business. Ded

Evil Plansky 2.0

By Vlad Dracul Ok nogoodniks, time for part two of evil plan. Our puppet running the US of A (Donald Trumpsky) has been cleared of all charges. This is backed up by the factual reporting of our loyal Foxsky news comrades.  Although Trumpsky has failed to start a race war in the US of A, he is working on a security false flag incident. Trumpsky and the alt right will do to US of A what The United States did to Cuba in 1898. A splendid little war.  When the US of A becomes a vassal state of Russia. We have promised Donald Trumpsky leadership for life.  What keeps us in control is that we don't care how disgusting and perverted our vassals are, when running their semiautonomous states. Sadism, sodomy, bestiality, cannibalism, we don't care what Trumpsky is doing, as long as he serves Russia. Thanks to computer vulnerability and the high proportion of stupid racists, we are destroying democracy in Brittan and the US of A. The weak-minded believe anything that comes over t

Just some stupid stuff.

PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW. How high is up? Why can't you get to there from here?  Why can't you get from here to there? What is a good metaphor for analogy? What is a good analogy of metaphore? Or is that just another story? Does pornography for the blind come in scratch and sniff?


Announcing the immediate disarmament of North Korea. Up Chuck Goon here. I have decided to go forth with disarmament.  AND   DIS ARMAMENT    MUST GO !!!!! Attention dictators, despots, kings, and terrorists. MISSILES!   MISSILES!   MISSILES! MISSILES!   MISSILES!   MISSILES! I got so many missiles How many missiles? So many, I've run out of space. My warehouses are over flowing. I've got to make room for this years models. So, T hey have got to go and go now. I got short range ground to air, air to ground, air to air, intermediate range, and long range missiles. And the big boys, ICBMs . Atomic ICBMs.* And all must go at cut throat prices. EVERYTHING MUST GOOOOOO !!!!!! . Last years models, blemished, and factory seconds. All waiting to be launched into your military arsenal. The count down is ticking. At these prices, they are going faster than a condemnation notice to public housing to make way for a stadium parking l

The pig is safe in the palace.

By Rob Rancor Well, the slug-troll-trump is still tainting the White House. Between eating live sewer rats and raping pot belly pigs. The pig monster from slimy swamp is keeping pretty busy. The cretin trump might be innocent of conspiring with the Russians to get elected. That being settled. A threat still exists. He now has to top being president. The only way is to stay in office longer than President Roosevelt. What about conspiring with the Russians to stay permanent president of the United States? His actions are clearly the actions of someone planning to stay in office, for ever. The neutered republican party will do anything slug-troll-trump wants. They are more afraid of trump than keeping America the land of the free. Watch out, martial law could result from a national emergency being declared. In the beginning, no one took Hitler seriously. 

From an undisclosed location in Canada

R especting the rule of law By Constance Dogood The  Muller report is in. From attorney general Bar, a short synopsis was released. It states there was no collusion or conspiracy between Mr. trump and the Russians. A lthough greatly disappointed. I must accept the veracity of the Bar synopsis. Sometimes we do not agree with the information. That does not make it totally false. The rule of law requires us to follow due process. So the Muller report should be released entirely to congress for true transparency.  It is quite easy to believe Mr. Trump did not conspire with the Russians to get elected to our highest office. W hy? Simple, Donald Trump has never had to do anything for himself in his entire life.    

Technical difficulties.

We got Burgle-botted.  It is annoying. This little publication of opinions and editorials is under attack by burgle-bots. We are a tiny publication, Between the staff and our readers, we are not enough to fill a set of high school baseball bleachers. Yet some one considers us a threat.  The bots have attacked our graphics. They reduce text to micro size, so no one can read them. They highlight words to distraction. They grey out the text to make it harder to read. Every post has to be written two to five times to remove the corrupted texts. The incongruities of font size in this post, are from a bot. A member of our staff has suggested there are word search bots that go after anyone who posts negative opinions about Trump. T hey scan the internet with the intent of harassing publications like us. The Bots embed themselves in the hard drive and are nearly impossible to remove without wiping the hard drive.  Their aim is to make us stop posting. It is an organized atte

And now for something completly different.

Spot the magic cat. About ten years ago, I was helping my mother select a new cat. The old one had run away or was eaten by republicans. We had gone to the local animal shelter. While mother was sizing up the cats, I was looking at a giant Norwegian hare making hungry eyes at the cat in the next cage.  The hare was about thirty pounds the cat was about nine. That cat was pressing herself as far as possible to the far side of her cage.  She looked like she did not want to be anywhere near that giant hare and was trying to squeeze through the bars to escape. The hare had a big toothy smile. I sensed malfeasance coming from the giant hare. Bad love or hunger, I wasn't sure.  As mother walked by, the cat reached out and grabbed her arm. She laughed and told me to walk by the cage. I did and the cat reached out and grabbed me by the arm. We both laughed and started to walk away. Then the cat spoke.  " Hey folks. Wouldn't you want to have a magic cat? We were stunned.

More stuff about the pornographic president.

Imagine a world where a vile, narcissistic, megalomaniac is president of the USA.  Something like this could be in the daily mail.   HUBBA HUBBA custom sex toy company. Havana Cuba. Dear John Smith, (wink wink). Soon your order will be shipped to the White House in Washington D.C. This was a first. But our sex-engineers were able to construct the full head pull over rubber heads you ordered. The Mitch McConnel head was no problem, we've done that one before for the heads of the NRA and KKK. The two face head with your face on the front and the back was quite a challenge. We are very proud. It is our crowning achievement in sexual prosthetics. It should fit over the head of your favorite sexual partner de jour very comfortably. Now you can F**K yourself. This professionally hand crafted head will allow you minutes of fun doing the front or back door boogie. The silicon penus should slip right on your Little Johnny. We make them that will stay on a crayon. No matter how s

And now, a CRAP-O-GRAM from Fuhrer Trump

The need to obey me. By your beloved Fuhrer, ME! ME!  ME! ME!       ME! HEIL MYSELF ! I don't have to do it. But I must declare another national emergency. In order to protect you from crooked Hillary's invading  army of  drug-crazed-murderer-molester-terrorist-thief-human trafficking-illegal alien-zombie-drug smugglers. All Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Jews, Muslims, other minorities, and anybody not of pure Aryan lineage for at least five generations. Must register with the local military governor's office. There they will have a biometric chip implanted in the back of the right hand. To be compassionate, those without right hands will have the chip implanted in their fore heads. As the King-Fuhrer of America I must suspend the Habitual Cornpuff amendment from the constitution. There is no law that says King-Fuhrer Donald J. Trump (personally) cannot amend the constitution. Just ask my bitch-republicans. The won't say no to me on anything I want. I am

Now a CRAP-O-GRAM from your favorite Nazi cow.

From the ministry of  Alt Truthe By Cowie Ann Kellway Moo Heil, everybody. And a happy Hitler, HEIL POTUS! Well there's no sense in trying to hide it any more. We are Nazis. There is nothing you can do about it. Our Fuhrer Adolph Hit... oops Fuhrer Trump has the bitch republicans in his pocket. The rubberstamp republicans will never deny Fuhrer Trump (the most magnificent greatest leader in the history of benevolent-tyranny who's blinding white light of racism shines from all his orifices) absolute power. The war against the threat of rampant democracy is going according to plan. Fuhrer Trump will be declaring several more national emergencies. Soon a national emergency will be declared against the free press and their Russian conspirators. Fuhrer Trump must put a stop to the "fact checkers" reporting everything except the Alt Truthe. So the first amendment must be suspended in order to protect Fuhrer Trump from the truth. He doesn't have to do i

The poster child for white mother F**KING supremists. F**KING RACIST Donny John.

  By Hoffman Abernathy That slug tainting the White House will never stand up to stupid angry white people, because he cannot stay in office without them. Trump and the racists are exactly like Hitler and the Nazis. Trump without his Nazis will loose power. So he can never go against his kind of people.Stupid angry white people with guns.  The white supremacists will take up arms against the United States when Trump starts to loose power. Trump has talked more bad about Senator John McCain (who is everything Trump isn't) than any white racist. When Trump gives the word, white racists will attack everything American. They hate America. The treasonous Trump revolt will turn the Cold Civil War hot, again. Much blood will be shed before they are defeated by GOOD LOYAL AMERICANS. We can still stop this. If more people love America then they love Trump. Pray for more American loyalty.

Police blotter; Trumptown D.C.

Public warning. Be on the lookout for the potus. The President has dug another hole under the White House fence and escaped. It is advised citizens should lock up their pets, until the president is captured and returned to his padded office in the White House.  The Potus is a known pot bellied pig rapist. He is also known to eat small dogs, cats, and especially sewer rats alive. The president was last spotted naked and galloping  in a circle on all fours in front of the Smithsonian castle building. He was heard screaming loudly and pointing at the castle. " My tomb will be bigger than Grant's tomb!" Licensed veterinarians, armed with tranquilizer darts and taser poles have been dispatched to the area. The padded limousine is being readied to receive the slobbering feces throwing president. Wranglers are ready in full bio hazard suits.  If you see the president, DO NOT MAKE SEWER RAT SOUNDS. The president has not been fed his fourth meal yet, today. He will be

Just a note about the temporary Supreme Court

How the Subservient Court will handle  King Donny John's VETO By Bart McKavanaugh Ok fellow subjects. Here is what will happen when the separation of powers issue goes before the FKA (Formerly Known As) Supreme Court for adjudication. The Subservient Court (or council of Trump) will rule five to four for our monarch, King Donny John the First. It is a given. The senate has already abdicated all it's power to our god-king, Donny John. There will never be enough backbone in the republican party to override the VETO. The spineless republicans are more afraid of TRUMP than protecting the Constitution of the United States of America. The king knows that and so do we.  King Donny John the first, has promised he will keep us justices around. As long as we serve him. I'll bet my robes on it. He has never broken a promise in his illustrious life. Donny John has never told a lie and he never promised Mexico would pay for the wall. Those alleged videos of (the promis

Is the Human Race Sentient?

Christchurch, New Zealand, mass senseless cold blooded murder. How can one human murder another? Ethiopian Airlines crash, was there awareness of the computer problem? The never ending wars in the Middle East and everywhere else on earth. When one kills another, they deny that individual the chance to learn, the chance to be enlightened. One cannot enlighten the dead. Global pollution, global warming. The Human race appears to be more self destructive than self aware. Humans are killing each other more and more. War is the most popular game on the internet. The humans are killing the earth and they know it. Or do they? If there is no God? How can the human race be sentient? Is the human race nothing more than part of a biological whole? Is the human race nothing more than a cell gone cancerous? Will the biosphere Earth make the human race extinct in order to survive? Is the human race crazy?  If things proceed unchecked will the human race destroy itself? Considering al

And now a new super hero?

The adventures of Captain Old Guy By Drial Nodrog  Narl beaker Jr. gerontologist, son of the famous Beaker of Henson laboratories, was working late one night. He was mixing harmless heavy water and Bunsen's magical fountain of youth tonic. Suddenly there was a terrible, terrible accident. After the glowing stopped Dr. Beaker realized he had been transformed into the exact likeness of a sixty five year old Dick Clark. An energy surged through his body endowing him with new super powers.       Power 1.  METEROLOGICAL PROGNOSTICATION. When his knees start to ache, surely a storm is on the way. Power 2. Hypno-speech. The ability to put someone to sleep in less than sixty seconds by talking about the good old days. Power 3. Three kinds of nonlethal flatulence. (FARTS)                 a. TEAR GAS. Although odorless, one whiff and one is blinded for five minutes.  It also causes uncontrollable flow from one's tear ducts for thirty minutes.                

This is how the rich have destroyed democracy throughout history.

Fake Letters By Spats Mostel Terkel  Bribery, nepotism, and political incest are the tools most likely to destroy democracy. Democracy is weakened when wealth replaces meritocracy. The boob in the White House aka Trump the Chump is proof of what happens when bribes replace academic performance. Ivy league and all colleges are permanently diminished by the fact that Daddy's money is more important than Donny's grades.   How does one know if their doctor, lawyer, or financial adviser is legitimate? Did they buy or earn their professional standing? False credentials have always been around. But they could usually be revealed because the real professionals tested the veracity of  those imposters.  Now the rich have lost faith in Honesty, Honor, and hard work. So cheating is acceptable. All the way to the White House. They have lost faith in the American way.  Liberty, equality, fraternity, truth, and justice mean nothing to the rich. The other guy does it, so why not

Do not Bluff us into World War Three

By M Rosco Edwards Hay, Donny John. Bluffing works very well, when dealing with spoiled rich people who fear loosing money more that anything else. It also works when you are cheating your subcontractors out of their money. They didn't inherit the lawyers you inherited. You knew they didn't have the money to sue you. The old stall for time till they give up, bluff. When you bluffed the entire republican party. They really thought you would use your own money to run for president. They didn't realize how stingy and greedy you have always been.  Most top republicans are racists, they could have fielded a candidate as racist as you. However only your blatant Nazi appeal could have led the racists out of the closet in the greatest numbers since the KKK marches in Washington. Now your avarice,  moral repugnance, and political pornography have taken you as far as you can go. Bluffing republican millionaires is easy. Enchanting Nazis comes naturally to you. Be very careful (

From the World Organization Operational Police Effective Enforcement W.O.O.P.E.E.

The  WOOPEE  Papers. Secret document stolen by espionage trained turkeys. As everyone knows the North Koreans are ever vigilant in their hunt for spies. They have seen spies from every country in the world . Their catch and kill rate was very high. Diplomats, contractors, investors, and (believe it or not) tourists. They suspect them all. But no one suspects turkeys. Armed with minicamera-GPS-cellphone wattles. These highly trained highly motivated turkeys have been running all over North Korea for years. Walking past armed guards at military bases, missile factories, and even Up Chuck Goon's private residences. All 19 of them. These undercover turkeys are better than drones. They go right in, under Up Chuck Goon's radar. When they reach a checkpoint, the guards let them walk by.  "They can't be spies, they are just harmless run of the mill turkeys." The following was decoded by crack sypher cracking aardvarks in a secret location. A memo from Up Chuc

Welcome to Nightmare Fairytale time.

Shit White and the Seven Stooges.  By Tom S Hunter Chapter one   In a far away place between the shadows of Hell, is an accursed wasteland called NightmareVania. There lurked a Klan of ogres, living in a cheap knock-off castle. The ogre King Turd ruled them. Every night King Turd would stand in front of his magic-slimming mirror and say.  "Mirror hanging on the wall who is the ugliest of them all?" The mirror would reply. "You should change your name to fugly. Cause you're so mother-f**king ugly." King Turd would wet himself with glee.  And then one dark and stormy night, King Turd asked the mirror. "Mirror hanging on the wall who is the ugliest of them all?" The mirror replied;  "In the forest of despair. The ugliest one you'll find there. I mean this guy is uber-ugly and nasty. WOW! Man I get ill thinking about it. And now I can't get that image out of my mind. As a baby he was so ugly. H is nurse didn't know whic

What is so hard about passing an Equal Rights amendment?

By Miriam Rumi Equal work should command equal pay. One should be paid on what one can do. Pay oppression impedes economic growth and social development. It is counterproductive when one is penalized for one's gender, color, religion, or identity.  The male oligarchy is hiding from the truth. In spite of their baseless repression of women, women are prevailing. It is only a matter of time for adult male children to loose their fear of women. Only when they mature to adult reality can they become true men. Then they will welcome women as equals.  Maria Mitchell, Elizabeth Blackwell, Emma Lazarus, Jeanette Rankin, Bessie Coleman, Eileen Collins, and Vera Rubin are all examples of how great America is, when one acknowledges their contributions to America. Imagine how much longer this list would be if women were truly treated and payed as equals.

From all of us at

International Women's Appreciation Day March 8, 2016 For far too long women have not been acknowledged as the true equals to men. Women dream the same dream. Fight the same good fight. Survive the same tragedies. Together women and men are equal. Unfortunately many little boys in men's bodies still hide behind a male dominated power structure. They are afraid of what women can do. REAL MEN do not fear women. REAL MEN celebrate equality. There is no aspect of society that cannot benefit from women's equality. As long as little boys fear women, they will try to control and stifle women's earned right to equality. It is time for the little boys to loose power. Society must grow up. It is time to legalize women's hard fought rights to equality.  Women's equality now, that is the moral and logical thing to do.

Another CRAP-A-GRAM from Butthole central.

Here at PG60 we believe this post is a true example of the mind and limited intelligence of Trump. We apologize for offending anyone by the following fiction. Except the pig Trump and his Nazi minions. From the Imperial Palace. By KING DONNY JOHN THE FORST! HEIL MYSELF!!! Its March, Happy Chick-Appreciation Month. Dem chicks love me. So I must give some ting back to deeze great broads. For all they have done (Which is never enough considering what I have done to dem.) Yous, are getting straight Trump, "wink! wonk!" no chaser. No spull check no grammar chuck. I am very very very,(in fact, de most) interested in yous's broad's issues. Yous know like cooking, cleaning, shopping, and other chick stuff. Oh and work to, like famous broads in space, like Sally Rand. I know dem all. All dem astro-nots. I'm all about ASStro-stuff. I'm the most-mega-super-ultimate ASS-hole-phile. Ask anyone.  Yous know I grab yous by yous's desires for me. My m

The Potus talks education (?) Alt right style.

By King Donny John the First.  King of the Americas.  (including the shit-hole parts.) From The Imperial Palace;  Heil Myself  !!! I'm big on education. I'm the Hugest on education. I am the murst educated Potus ever. I have a huge brain. It won't even fit in the chamber pot anymore. Its huge! In college I got Super-kum-louder, Magnet-kum-louder, and Kum-louder. I was the loudest of all of those guys and chicks. I did it all by myself, nobody helped. And now you my supposedly loyal subjects, stab your King in the back. Shameful. Just shameful. On all of yous. All I commanded was one tiny little five billion dollars to build "The Great Wall of Trump" To keep out crooked Hillary's  invading army of drug-crazed-murderer-molester-terrorist-thief-human-trafficking-illegal-alien-zombie-drug-smugglers. Waiting by the thousands and thousands and thousands in the Senorita dessert in Mexicoland.   The crooked Hillary congress has denied my

Donny John the First celebrates Potus' day and Mardi Gras.

By King Donny John the First HEIL MYSELF! ***------ PROCLEMATION  -----***- Happy Potus's Day!! As we all celebrate ME on this Potus's day. Also known as Marty Grass. You just can't thank me enough, for what I have done to America.  I know you will all sacrifice something for me over the next few weeks. It won't be enough but that's ok. I am the humblest King that ever rulled over you. I have done the greatest job in the history of monarchy. Soon you will be reenacting the great feats of my life. Recounting the fourteen stations of me. So enjoy Potus's day, but please don't send me any more videos of burning crosses. And please, stop sending me white sheets and matching hoods. (size 5 3/4) My KKK wardrobe is already complete. So enjoy this Potus's Day. And Happy Birthday, Marty! HEIL MYSELF  !!!!

And now for something completely different.

Global Warming By Constance Dogood I have no meteorological or scientific credentials. I speak as part of the laity. It makes sense that global warming is occurring. The polar ice caps and glaciers throughout the world are melting. Where is the water going? The moisture that used to be captured in ice is now cycling in the atmosphere. A wetter atmosphere is prone to more storms. There is measurable ocean rise already.  Now that the atmosphere has more moisture. Certain areas are experiencing greater than normal rainfall. Storms and hurricanes appear to be gaining in intensity. The hurricane season appears to be longer. Weather is becoming more erratic. New record setting cold is occurring because that cold used to be locked up in the polar ice caps. Like super giant cold-batteries. What cold that was stored is now spreading around. Chilling the air the way ice chills the air in an ice chest.  Once the ice is gone, the water can still chill the air. But only for a